…issue de l’art contemporain, pour coaching, événementiel, décoration, cadeaux.

+33 (0)6 45 10 61 93 


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Idée de team buidling créatif à l'international ICI

Quelle animation originale pour anniversaire, mariage et EVJF?

Comment organiser un séminaire team building atypique, créatif et fédérateur, qui laisse un souvenir commun?

Quelle animation close up magie portrtait silhouette caricature digitale ipad?



événementiel Lyon, séminaire Lyon, team building Lyon, atelier peinture, animation peinture, fresque interactive, cohésion d'équipe Lyon, street art Lyon, Incentive, Genève, Paris, Animation événementielle street art fresque peinture collaborative créative // Coaching team Building séminaire cohésion équipe atelier interactif créatif Lyon Villeurbanne Grenoble Saint Etienne Mâcon Villefranche Paris Marseille Nice Cannes Genève

Follow the artistic creation of an exhibition in silver film lab aNa artiste

The artist aNa invests the Diamantino Labo Photo of Montrouge to explore his gestures DIRECTLY under the largest developer existing in this reference place.
This technique refers to a technical term: The Photogram.

A photogram is - in photography - a photographic image obtained without using a camera, placing objects on a photosensitive surface (photo paper or film) and then exposing it directly to the light.

It only has a few seconds, in complete darkness, to throw a dynamic drawing in a defined frame and an unusable time for the common artists.

The draw is made on site, by the master of the house, in stride, on a photographic silver paper of very large format.

This research work allows this atypical artist to challenge herself by pushing the technical difficulty to its climax. Everything rests for a few moments then only on his technique on the one hand, but especially on his personal mastery. aNa must indeed concentrate to the extreme. She has no time to think, direct or distinguish. It is about letting go of one's body and mind in a brief but productive communion.

The singularity also lies in the imbalance that the method imposes between the preparations and technical adjustments in light of the few seconds used to produce his work.

An exhibition will bring together the first unique copies in November 2018 in Lyon."

NYC photo exhibition Lyon photo exhibition Paris photo exhibition Manhattan photo exhibition Montrouge Photo Lab follow a photo exhibition photogram original photo exhibition atypique photo exhibition black and white photo exhibition